A Simple Guide on How to Add Widgets on iPhone


A Simple Guide on How to Add Widgets on iPhone

How to Add Widgets on iPhone

With more customization options available in recent years, iPhone owners may now tailor their smartphone to meet their unique needs and preferences. The addition of widgets to the home screen is one of the most prominent changes to iPhone customization. With the ability to quickly access your favorite apps and view information at a glance, widgets enhance the efficiency and personalization of your iPhone experience. We’ll look at the simple methods of how to add up widgets on your iPhone and utilizing this capability in this blog post.

Understanding Widgets on iPhone

Widgets are interactive, dynamic displays that provide information from apps at a glance. They come in various sizes and formats, allowing you to choose the ones that best fit your home screen layout and usage preferences. Widgets can display information such as weather updates, calendar events, news headlines, and more, making them valuable tools for enhancing productivity and convenience.

How to Add Widgets on iPhone

Adding widgets to your iPhone’s home screen is a straightforward process. Here’s how to do it:

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1. Unlock your iPhone: Start by unlocking your iPhone and navigating to the home screen.

2. Enter Jiggle Mode: Press and hold any app icon on the home screen until the icons start to jiggle.

3. Tap the “+” icon: Look for the “+” icon located in the top-left corner of the screen and tap on it. This will open the widget gallery.

4. Browse Widget Options: Scroll through the widget gallery to explore the available options. Widgets are organized by app, so you can select the app you want to add a widget for.

5. Choose Widget Size: Tap on the widget size you prefer. Some apps offer multiple widget sizes, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your needs and home screen layout.

6. Add Widget: After selecting the widget size, tap on the “Add Widget” button. The widget will then appear on your home screen, where you can drag it to your desired location.

7. Customize Widget: Some widgets offer customization options, such as choosing a specific layout or configuring settings. To customize a widget, tap and hold on the widget until a menu appears, then select “Edit Widget” to make changes.

8. Exit Jiggle Mode: Once you’ve added and arranged your widgets to your liking, press the home button or swipe up from the bottom of the screen to exit Jiggle Mode and save your changes.

Tips for Using Widgets Effectively

1. Prioritize Information: Arrange your widgets strategically to prioritize the information you need most frequently, such as calendar events, weather updates, or fitness tracking.

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2. Experiment with Sizes: Try out different widget sizes to find the ones that best fit your home screen layout and display the information you need in a glance.

3. Explore Third-Party Widgets: In addition to Apple’s built-in widgets, many third-party apps offer widgets that provide additional functionality and customization options.

4. Regularly Review and Update: Periodically review your widgets to ensure they’re still relevant and useful. Remove any widgets that you no longer need or replace them with new ones that better suit your current needs.


Widgets are a straightforward yet effective way to keep organized, increase productivity, and customize your iPhone home screen. Through the process described in this guide, you may experiment with the many widgets available and make your own personalised home screen that offers useful information and easy access to your most used apps. Try out various widget layouts, sizes, and customization options to see what works best for your usage patterns and way of life. Widgets turn your iPhone from a tool into a customized information and functionality center that is specific to you.

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about adding widgets on iPhone:

1. What are widgets on iPhone?

Widgets on iPhone are interactive, dynamic displays that provide at-a-glance information from apps directly on the home screen. They offer quick access to relevant information and can enhance productivity and convenience.

2. How do I add widgets to my iPhone’s home screen?

To add widgets to your iPhone’s home screen, follow these steps:

  • Long-press on any app icon until the icons start jiggling.
  • Tap the “+” icon in the top-left corner to open the widget gallery.
  • Browse through the available widgets, select the one you want, and choose its size.
  • Tap “Add Widget” to add it to your home screen.
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3. Can I customize the widgets on my iPhone?

Yes, you can customize widgets on your iPhone by tapping and holding on a widget until a menu appears, then selecting “Edit Widget.” Depending on the widget, you may be able to customize its layout, appearance, or settings.

4. Can I rearrange the widgets on my iPhone’s home screen?

Yes, you can rearrange widgets on your iPhone’s home screen by long-pressing on a widget until it starts to jiggle, then dragging it to your desired location. You can also move widgets between different home screen pages or stack them together for compact organization.

5. Are there third-party widgets available for iPhone?

Yes, many third-party apps offer widgets that you can add to your iPhone’s home screen. These widgets provide additional functionality and customization options beyond Apple’s built-in widgets, allowing you to personalize your home screen even further.

6. Do widgets drain battery life on iPhone?

Widgets on iPhone are designed to be power-efficient and should not significantly impact battery life. However, widgets that constantly update or fetch data in the background may have a minor impact on battery life compared to static widgets.

7. Can I remove widgets from my iPhone’s home screen?

Yes, you can remove widgets from your iPhone’s home screen by long-pressing on a widget until it starts to jiggle, then tapping the “-” icon or selecting “Remove Widget.” Alternatively, you can enter Jiggle Mode and tap the “Remove” option next to the widget.

These FAQs aim to provide clarity on adding and managing widgets on iPhone and address common questions related to their functionality, customization, and impact on device performance.

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